Tocón de rama; Tira-savia; Tocon de rama; Tira savia; Rama (árbol); Rama (arbol); Ramificación
= branch, bough, chase.
Nota: En historia de la imprenta, marco rectangular de madera en cuyo interior se fijaba la forma de impresión.
Ex: Thus we all agree that one component of a building is a roof (and not vice versa!), and that chemistry is a branch of science.
Ex: Alice was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off.
Ex: Chases were made in pairs, and for most of the hand-press period they were of a standard size that fitted comfortably in the bed of the wooden press.
* andarse por las ramas = mince + words.
* irse por las ramas = go off + the track, get off + the track, go off on + another track, fly off on + a tangent, go off on + a tangent, wander off + track, wander off + topic.
* ofrecer una rama de olivo para hacer las paces = offer + an olive branch.
* rama de árbol = tree branch.
* rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
* rama del saber = branch of learning.
* rama de olivo = olive branch, olive branch.
* tomates en rama = tomatoes on the vine.